Wednesday 24 November 2010


My first week into the carosel was in fashion, i really enjoyed experimenting with materials and creating new pieces and outfits from old pieces, for example we had to re-create a garment from an existing pair of shoes and materials, clothing or bags.

Above is my final design i based this piece in a charcter from our fashion show in which we wore all our old materials to create a new look, our character was a pimp but a women therefore i based my design on a mysterious women in hiding and therfore wears masculin clothes to prevent being noticed.

UCA-Canterbury; Foundation in Art & Design

it's my first week into the course, firstly we are put into a group to start the carosel which we then do a week in each specialism for example, fashion (which i started in) viscom, fine art, photography,3d which at the end we choose what subject suits us most and we do the rest of the year in that specialism.

Igot put into a really nice group i found it really easy to fit in and make new friends, i really like meeting a wide range of people with all diffrent intrests and skills also people that where intrested in the same thingss as i am, i got to really know these people within the first wekk as we had to work within groups towards a piece of work that combined all our final ideas that where based around our summer enviroment project and the enviroment of the university.
Above is my final piece as a group all our work was of simular colours which meant they blended very well togther so we could easily lay them out just next to one another unfortunately i have no photograph of the layout.